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Recruitment CRM Buyer’s Guide: 3Ws You Need To Know

Recruitment CRM Buyer's Guide 3 W's You Need To Know

When you’re setting out to purchase a new recruitment system, “hasty” is the last thing that you want to be. But there can be so many factors influencing your decision to invest in a new system, it’s hard to know where to start.

First things first: get organized.

Setting out a clear list of expectations around your new recruitment CRM system will help you cut through the noise. Start by asking yourself “Why,” “When,” and “What.”

Why: Define your recruitment CRM system goals

You need to know why you’re doing it. What are the key challenges you’re facing right now that are pushing you towards a new system?

Answer these questions before you start shopping around:

  • What business outcomes are you hoping to achieve?
  • If you’re looking to change systems, why now?
  • What processes are you looking to improve?
  • Which features are an absolute “must” for your daily rec operations?

As a side note: to understand and prepare for this project, you might check out our ultimate guide for your recruitment agency.

When: Set project timelines for your recruitment CRM system

Once you’ve got your goals, it’s time to set milestones. The following questions should help you define your timeline:

  • When does your current CRM contract end?
  • Can you dedicate time to carry out all due diligence, migrate and onboard your team?
  • If you’re currently tied into a long contract, when do you plan to reach out to new vendors?
  • How much time do you need? When should you start shopping?

This step is critical - missed deadlines mean you’re stuck with a system that isn’t working. Mark dates on your calendar and map out a project timeline from start to finish.

What: Compare features between the best recruitment CRM software

This is the most important part of the process: choosing which recruitment CRM systems best match your business needs.

The needs of an executive search firm are very different from those required to start a Temp agency. And what happens if your business covers both Perm and Contract staffing? Will the CRM have the right features to support your entire business? Or will you have to break up necessary features into different tech solutions? Additionally, you’ll also need to consider the kind of client and candidate experiences the features deliver. This is just the tip of the iceberg.

This is the danger with vagueness. If you don’t have a set list of what features & functionalities your business needs, you’re likely to be swayed by the wrong platform’s bells and whistles shown by a salesperson in a demo. (They don’t call it “demo candy” for nothing.)

Be astute. Know exactly what you need and use a checklist of features you can fall back on throughout your evaluation process. This is the golden piece of advice we give to all rec firms to help them avoid getting burned.

Shortlisting the right recruitment CRM features is a time-consuming process. Here’s how we can help: We’ve curated an exhaustive list of features to help your CRM search. Make a copy of this Vendor RFI checklist and repurpose it. Pick and choose what matters most.


Want more advice and tips like this? Download the full CRM Buyer's Guide for Recruiters.