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Contract Recruitment 2

Manage & Search Availability

Get an overview of contract statuses, who's finishing and when, plus an update of the candidate's availability in real-time.


Automatch Contractors

Automatch candidates to jobs or search for candidates with availability schedules based on client needs.


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Compliance & Verification Checks

Create compliance forms and pre-boarding document packs for temps to submit via an ESS portal with our contract staffing software.


Set Pay Rules & Overtime

​Set complex pay rules and overtime pay rates matched to contract terms.

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Time, Expense & Attendance

Contractors get one streamlined, digital experience to submit time, leave & expense to managers for approvals.


Automate Timesheets & Invoicing

Approved timesheets auto-generate invoices ready for you to review and send.


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Manage Contract Recruitment renewals

Design branded contract recruitment templates using merge fields for quick contract generation. Renew contracts and see the margins you're making in local or your home currency.

Schedule Exports to Payroll

A contract staffing software that allows you to customize fields for export and seamlessly connect your middle and back office.

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Your Single Source of Truth

The ultimate dashboards for growth-focused Contract Recruitment firms

Growth Analysis

Run your contract recruitment business by the numbers:​

  • How many starters, finishers & renewals?
  • How many are active right now?
  • Drill down by time, team, location & consultant
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Contractor Drill-down

Real-time breakdown of your contractors:​

  • Filter by Active, Finished or Terminated
  • Drill-down by billings per hour/day/week/ month or by pay interval
  • See margins, fees & NFI

Revenue in Real time

How much money are we really making?​

  • ​Fees/Profit down to x4 decimal place
  • Fees/Profit accumulative
  • Multi-currency reporting
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Augment your contract recruitment workflows


Ready to meet your new Recruitment OS?  

Vincere Core delivers you two essential tools: a centralised recruitment CRM and a recruitment ATS. Take your agency to new heights today!