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Manage Retainers Using our Invoice Scheduler

Quickly schedule the retainer tranches for invoicing and adjust on the fly. These are then sent automatically to clients and fed straight to analytics.

Executive Seach 4

Use our Executive Search Software with LinkedIn Sourcing 

The best executive search software that enables you to seamlessly source and secure top candidates for Executive and C-suite positions all from LinkedIn in a few clicks.

Drop them into talent pools or directly to projects.

Meet Your New Secret Weapon for Executive Search, The LiveList™

Designed specifically for Exec Search, this is your client portal that is specific to one search assignment. A new way of presenting a Long List to clients, this branded microsite drives client collaboration and elevates your service.

Banish those old school Excel 'Search Reports'...this is how leading Search firms operate in 2023, Vinny-style.


Executive Seach 5

Streamline Executive Recruiting with AI Search & Auto-match

Harness the power of our sophisticated, multi-dimensional search tools.

Whether you use AI to auto-match or narrow down for a more detailed search, our tools are designed to deliver.


Find new matches using Talent Pools & Saved Searches

Simple executive search tools that you would expect in a world class recruiting system.

Engage with talent pools to keep passive candidates engaged and augment these with saved searches to ensure no new matches are missed.

Executive Seach 6
Executive Seach 7

Your own Branded Client Portal in your Executive Recruiting Software

Elevate your professionalism in Executive Search. Swiftly and securely share candidate documents via your portal.

With zero need for programming, it’s geared up and ready from the get-go.


Escape Excel Hell

A full reporting suite designed specifically for Exec Search.

Executive Seach 8

Retainer Analysis

The executive recruiting software with real-time revenue reporting:

  • ​See Actual v.s. Targets
  • Track average retainer size & fees
  • Pre-built filters to drill down by teams & locations

AI Performance Metrics

We call this KPI for grown-ups:​

  • ​Utilizes machine learning on based actions in Vincere
  • Automatically generates goals and ratios specific to your business
  • Use pre-built filters to drill down by brands, team & locations in real-time
  • Increase recruitment CRM adoption by giving your people a compelling reason to use it.
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Executive Seach 9

See pipeline activity overtime

  • Instant overview of recruitment activity stage
  • Keep tabs on activity & business performance
  • Drilldown by time, consultant, company and job status

Augment your Exec Search workflows

Integrates with a multitude of leading apps

Recruitment Terms & Glossary

Executive search software is an invaluable tool for recruiters who want to streamline their recruitment operations and sourcing process - by helping to source and identify potential candidates for senior-level positions. The software typically comes with a database of executives, which can be searched by criteria such as industry, experience, or location.

To better assist recruiters and enhance the efficiency of executive placement, some operating systems may offer tools for applicant tracking, managing client relationships, and scheduling interviews.

Executive search software can help recruitment agencies in several ways.

First, it enables them to save time and money by automating the sourcing, screening, and interviewing process. The software utilizes artificial intelligence to identify potential individuals from various online sources - including job boards, resume databases, and social media sites. Once a pool of candidates has been generated, executive recruiters may use the system to conveniently screen applicants and schedule interviews.

On the other hand, the software can also be used to evaluate candidates after an interview has been conducted. As a result, businesses can streamline the process of filling senior-level positions and improve the quality of their hires.

Finally, it may provide valuable insights into the recruitment process - e.g, which channels are most effective for reaching potential candidates. By understanding how the system works and utilizing its features, recruitment agencies can significantly increase their operation efficiency and chances of success.

When it comes to executive search software, there are a few key features that every operating system should have.

1. User-friendly interface
First, the software must have a user interface (UI) that is easy to understand and navigate. The last thing you want is for your recruitment teams to waste time trying to make heads and tails of the system.

2. Integration
Second, the software should integrate with your existing databases and applicant tracking systems easily. This will make it easier for staffing agencies to keep track of applicants and candidates - as well as evaluate their qualifications.

3. Customized search
Finally, the software should allow users to customize searches according to their specific needs.

Here are a few signs that your staffing business should consider the adoption of search software into your daily operations:

1. You're struggling to find qualified candidates
Posting job descriptions and getting no bites? With the help of executive search software, you will now be able to access a wider pool of potential candidates, making it significantly easier to find a good fit for your client's staffing needs.

2. You're having trouble assessing candidates
Headhunting software provides one single source to store and keep track of candidates’ information. As a result, assessing and comparing their qualifications will become a breeze for recruiters.

3. Budget is a concern
Noticing a growing discrepancy between your spending and ROI? Executive recruiting software provides an efficient way to find, screen quickly, and eventually hire the best applicants - thereby saving on costly recruitment processes that don't produce results on time

With so many executive search solutions on the market, it can be challenging to know which one is the best pick for your staffing business.

When considering headhunting software, there are a few key features to look for:
First, the software should be able to quickly and easily identify candidates that match your specific criteria. It should also provide a way to track and manage your interaction with each candidate, including contact information, notes, and next steps.

Second, it should be user-friendly and allows you to customize the recruitment process to fit your business’s unique needs.

Additionally, it should provide a database of qualified candidates that can be searched by job title, keywords, or other criteria.

With these factors in mind, you should be able to find the best solution for your recruitment agency.

Executive search software can be a valuable tool for any business, but it is essential to understand the associated costs before purchasing.

The initial cost will vary depending on the features and functionality you require. Not to mention, you will also need to factor in the cost of training your staff.

Once the software is up and running, maintenance and support are typically ongoing costs. These costs can add up, but they are often offset by the savings generated by using automated recruiting software.

Recruitment systems can vary in price depending on the features it offers and the size of your organization. Some are designed for larger organizations and can be quite expensive, while others are more affordable and target smaller businesses.

Generally speaking, executive recruitment agencies can expect to pay anywhere from $500 to $5,000. The cost will also depend on whether you need to purchase a subscription or license.

If you're looking for a comprehensive solution that includes applicant tracking, interview scheduling, and reference checking, expect to pay on the higher end of this price range. However, if only basic search functionality is needed, more affordable options are available

Below are a few tips on using executive search software to make finding potential candidates more intuitive:
First, identify the key qualifications that you're looking for. This will help narrow your search and ensure that you only look at qualified individuals.

Next, enter those qualifications into the recruitment software's search engine. It will then generate a list of potential candidates who meet your criteria. Most recruitment platforms offer a variety of tools for screening and assessing candidates, saving time and enhancing search efficiency.

Once a list of potential candidates is finalized, it's time for you to start reaching out to them. The first step is to send each candidate a personal message, introduce yourself, and explain why you think they would be a good fit for the role.

Finally, many headhunting platforms offer support for creating and managing a talent pipeline so you can keep track of promising candidates for future open positions.

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