As a recruiter, you need to be able to monitor and measure your progress and ensure efficiency and effectiveness in your recruitment activities, and a recruitment tracker is a helpful tool to do this. It can build on what works well, smooth out errors and overlaps, and help your agency avoid wasting time and money.4
Let's go over the recruitment tracker benefits, examples and best practices.
What is a recruitment tracker?
A recruitment tracker template would be used to map all the tasks you carry out as a recruitment professional or agency. It enables you to record all key metrics in one place, and use that data to achieve better control and accountability.
Your chosen tracker system should enable you to organise your recruitment data into a transparent talent ‘pipeline’. This ensures that you can find ways to work smarter and leaner, improving your performance and profitability.
Some trackers could be in the form of a lower-quality spreadsheet or an inherited system that could track the process.
However, the absolute best tracking systems for recruitment are integrated into the leading software for recruitment agencies. This is then your centralised system to record and manage the recruitment workflow.
How recruitment trackers work
The most basic form of recruitment tracker would be a spreadsheet that you can customise to meet your workflow criteria. However, software-based recruitment tracking creates greater connectivity and adaptability.
The recruitment tracker model you use should make it quick and easy to:
Gather and streamline key data – your recruitment tracker should assimilate information of value to you, offering the ability to check instantly if deadlines are being met, for example.
Recruitment progress measures – these can be added to ensure that the quality of candidates is being upheld, not just the quantity. Are your talent pool goals being achieved consistently? Are client and candidate satisfaction levels being maintained.
Automated tasks – some communication and ‘housekeeping’ tasks in recruitment are fulfilled by your recruitment tracker system, saving time and money.
Report generation – your recruitment tracking solution is the source of analytical data you can use for real-time, forensic and predictive analysis. This enables you to develop and improve your activities as a recruiter.
Key features and metrics of a recruitment tracker
One of the primary advantages of using a recruitment tracker is an at-a-glance update on the status of multiple open positions. This enables you to keep your team informed of progress and any assignments that need their attention.
It makes tracking templates an excellent way to support communication and collaboration within recruitment teams.
Although the system you use to chart your activities as a recruiter should be adaptable to your specific sector and goals, there are standard features of a recruitment tracker.
For instance, it would normally provide you with a place to record job postings, application attraction activities, interview schedules, filled posts and task completion. Deadlines for tasks can be included to help you quickly assess whether they are being met.
Sometimes, the most logical and well-crafted tracking system for recruitment is not just about collecting and sorting key data. It is about providing your organisation with a way to spot errors, overlaps, bottlenecks and tasks left undone.
Let’s look at some more valuable fields you may want in tracker recruitment systems.
1. Candidate information
A recruitment tracker should be a logical place to store candidate data. Having this in one place makes you more efficient in ensuring that you are meeting your quantitative and qualitative goals.
You can efficiently sort candidate applications, resumes and online profiles to then find ways to attract more – or better-calibre – applicants.
Having information stored correctly in one place ensures good communication, engagement and automation in your relationship with candidates.
2. Resume storage
Having candidate resumes stored in a logical and centralised tracker system provides improved agility. You can respond better and more quickly to both existing and new hiring tasks.
This is especially true if your chosen software includes recruitment tracking solutions, as it will automate data searches and retrieval.
Matching candidates to posts successfully becomes far more accurate and swift if the data needed is collated and utilised in specialist tracking software. This boosts client satisfaction levels and longevity of job hires.
3. Application status
Achieving efficiency as a recruitment agency demands keeping a close eye on timescales, and meeting client deadlines. The best recruitment tracker provides instant updates of application progress.
Using software that incorporates a recruitment tracker also gives you an excellent source of data you can use to demonstrate your effectiveness to clients, with the ability to pull application statuses to demonstrate in reports.
4. Interview management
Booking and organising interviews for posts can be particularly time-sensitive. An effective tracking system can ensure that you deliver a streamlined and well-controlled interview schedule.
Also, automated systems can invite candidates to interviews, remind them of their slot, and follow up efficiently. Your tracking system can also prevent the miscommunication or errors that interview schedules can be prone to.
Recruitment tracker template
The ideal recruitment tracker template should be a workflow system that matches your specific business goals and tasks as a recruitment agency. It should provide end-to-end workflow transparency and control, and options to pull off the data you need for reporting and business improvement.
Having software that measures and tracks recruitment activities ensures that your entire team is communicating and collaborating well. They will all be recording and using up-to-date and accurate information in your recruitment tracker system.
What are the benefits of upgrading your recruitment tracker
No business sector can afford to ‘stand still’, and relying on outdated digital solutions or even basic spreadsheets for recruitment tracking can leave you doing just that.
Sourcing the best recruitment tracking system for your organisation could still leave you with gaps, overlaps and bottlenecks, if it sits outside your other recruitment management systems.
The best way to monitor your performance and profitability as a recruitment agency or hirer could well be an integrated Applicant Tracking System (ATS) that makes it possible to manage, view and measure your business operations from end to end.
This provides the benefit of reducing the costs of recruitment, and makes your agency more time efficient, at the same time as ensuring that you become more confident in your decision-making.
Organising your recruitment process with an Applicant Tracking System
Recruitment tracking is a vital part of a well-functioning agency, giving a greater overview of the processes.
Investing in an Applicant Tracking System (ATS) can enable you to reorganise and streamline your development processes. An ATS system has a range of useful features such as process tracking to reduce errors or missed opportunities, where recruiters can pick up tasks and see where applicants or job posts are currently at in the recruiting process.
Agencies’ email and calendar can be synchronised so that they can engage with clients and candidates more effectively, along with automation features that are able to assist with interview scheduling, onboarding and reporting to save time in the administrative aspects of the job.
Get in touch today to try out a demo of our ATS system to see how such a system can improve your agency’s processes.
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