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Vincere X Recruiter Insider 1


#1 feedback platform purpose-built for staffing firms




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Request a demo today to see Vincere x Recruiter Insider in action.

The Ultimate Candidate Feedback Tool

Specific feedback, differentiated by work-type and aligned to each individual consultant.

Targeted training, using qualitative & quantitative analysis. Multi-language capability allowing every agency, everywhere to collect vital feedback.





The Ultimate Client Feedback Tool

Unique insights into the performance of hiring managers at interview, allowing you to pinpoint their impact on placements & identify where they are attracting or losing top talent.

Data driven reports and tools to enhance account management, win new business and work exclusively.

Real Insights. Real Impact.

Unique identification of who needs to improve, what part of the process & how much training & development is required.

Be alerted to trends & flight risks that are hindering placements or resulting in dropouts.

Global platform so you can see every country, state, office, team and consultant from one account.