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Powerful Recruitment Reporting

An open canvas to visualize data the way you want it. Our powerful reporting software for recruitment offers the easiest way to create reports and see what you want, exactly the way you want it.

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Pre-connected Data Sources

All it takes is one click to pull data sources from Vincere. No external prep & no speadsheets required.

Delivered Straight to Your Inbox

Uncover the strengths and weaknesses of each consultant, so you can have meaningful conversations to help them improve.

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Manage User Permissions

Limit who gets access to build and view reports. Set permissions on a user-level.

Bring your data to life within hours, not days


All the tools you need to enrich, format & visualize data easily.


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Access all your data in one-click

Get easy access to all your recruitment data in one-click.

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Build your own report library

Create reports as you need for every office, team or individual.

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Transform & enrich datasets easily

Create the right datasets using a range of operations including: column select, calculations, filter, sort & more.

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View performance against targets

Set custom targets to display against real-time data for quick comparisons.

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Visualize data in meaningful ways

Charts, tables, gauges, heat maps or text clouds. Decide how you want to tell the story and bring insight to life.


Design your own dashboards

Mix & match reports from your library to create boardroom ready dashboards.

Make Confident Decisions Even When You Are Not in the Office

Access dashboards & metrics from the palm of your hands. Get your data whenever you need it, even before your plane touches down.

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Recruitment OS?