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5 Challenges in Digital Recruitment (and 7 Solutions)

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There’s nothing new about tech in recruitment, but not everybody knows how to use it well. Paying for job boards, managing vendors, disconnected tech...sometimes digital recruitment can cause as many headaches as it cures. 

If you’re seeking a better recruitment tech strategy, we’ve got you covered.  

We’ll go over some of the common challenges in digital recruitment like: 

  • Too few qualified applicants 
  • Too-slow time-to-hire 
  • Poor visibility on KPIs and metrics 
  • Inefficient recruitment processes 
  • Conflicting tech vendor contracts 

And for every challenge, we’ll propose solutions. 

If you’re a Vincere or Volcanic customer, our new recruitment website integration just might be one of those solutions. Getting your agency website and ATS/CRM platform connected can streamline your ops and boost productivity. 

Read on to learn our top tips for tackling digital recruitment challenges. 

Challenge: Not enough qualified applicants 

Paying to post to a dozen job boards is frustrating enough. When weak applications roll in, or when you get next to no response, it can make consultants (and leaders) pull their hair out. 

So how to go from digital tumbleweeds to stacks of prime CVs? We’ve got answers. 

Solution: Job ad optimization 

Work smarter by optimizing your job ads for search engines. 

Consider Volcanic’s inbuilt SEO job ad optimization. It helps you manage relevant keywords and keep in-house control of job advertisements (while still getting your site seen on Google).  

Even with strong SEO ranking your own website is hard to do, so you can also take advantage of Volcanic’s social share feature to spread the word about open roles. 

Besides that, you can configure your own job board with a custom search, making it easier for candidates to find the exact right job for them. 

That said, not every applicant will be a good fit. Using Volcanic’s killer questions feature automatically removes applications that don’t meet a job’s requirements, saving your team from time spent assessing the weakest CVs. 

Solution: Recruitment website & ATS sync 

Controlling your agency’s own job ads is only part of the puzzle. Without pulling that info into your ATS, it’s not much help. 

Luckily, Volcanic can pass candidate data directly to Vincere’s ATS platform. With our recruitment website integration hooked up, information from applications travels freely. 

That means real-time application updates, clean data, and less time typing and clicking to refresh candidate profiles. 

Taken all together, how do you get more qualified candidates? SEO > social share > quality control > ATS sync. 

Challenge: Time-to-hire too slow 

In recruitment, timing is key. Once you’ve got more great candidates to choose from, you’ll want to move them down the pipeline ASAP. 

But if your agency’s time-to-hire metrics look sluggish, there’s at least one fix to try. 

Solution: Portals 

Save candidates from managing another password by offering a portal. It’s one place for candidates to get job alerts, upload applications, and manage onboarding if they’re the best for the job. 

Volcanic improves your candidate experience even more by letting candidates apply via LinkedIn, and by saving their job applications as they go. Suddenly their job search gets that much simpler. 

Not just simple for candidates, but for consultants too. If a candidate's onboarding documents go straight to your ATS, then there's no back-and-forth email chains or worry about missed requirements to slow the hiring process. 

Portals that guide and manage a candidate’s experience from application to placement are just more efficient. Both the candidate and recruiter want to get to a job’s start date faster, and a self-serve portal is one way to make that happen. 

Challenge: Seeing which efforts lead to conversions 

As a recruitment leader, you’ll want to see how time and money translate into more business success. But sometimes it’s hard to see exactly how input leads to growth. 

There’s a way to measure ad spend and metrics to find your secret sauce. 

Solution: Cross-platform metrics 

Vinny and Volcanic have you covered tracking candidate and client metrics. 

Start at one end: your recruitment website. Volcanic’s website reporting draws data about website visitors from multiple sources, including Google Analytics. It pulls this info into one easy-to-understand report that anyone on your team can use. 

So imagine you’ve just invested recruitment marketing effort into a LinkedIn ad campaign push. Your Volcanic website can track which visitors have LinkedIn as a source, which gives a hint if that campaign’s working. 

From there, you can track applications and info about website visitors into Vincere’s CRM or ATS. The data doesn’t just sit on your recruitment website: it follows along with candidate and client profiles. 

Now that cross-channel tracking’s told you how to get more candidates and clients to convert. 

Challenge: Inefficient recruiting processes 

You might think that digitization would make things more efficient, but not always. There can still be blockers and slowdowns even with the best of tech.  

The good news is that for any blocker, there’s options to fix it. 

Solution: Automate admin work 

One great benefit of tech: making the robots work for you 

The Vincere and Volcanic integration is here to help automate more admin work.  

Remember all those candidate attraction benefits of having an internal job board? Now our integration lets consultants post a job ad from Vincere to your Volcanic site with one click. No copy-paste, no wasted time. 

Then when keen candidates upload their CVs, the data goes straight to your ATS. From there Vincere’s platform lets you take candidate outreach even further, from email templates to comms reminders.  

It’s like having a techie PA, but for everyone at your agency. And with a little bit of that admin workload lightened via automation, consultants can think less about tech and more about people. 

Challenge: Too many tech vendors 

Just as managing an unwieldy tech stack is a pain, so is dealing with all those contracts. If you have multiple tech vendors, it’s a hassle for the back office. 

Luckily, there’s a better way. 

Solution: One Recruitment Operating System 

The Recruitment Operating System (or RecOS) is a broad rec tech platform that works like a computer’s OS. It’s a module-based system that has functionality to help everyone in the front, middle, and back office. 

As a recruitment leader, you shouldn’t have to click around multiple systems to get one answer. So at Vincere, we’ve created one platform that gives you the one answer. 

And where we couldn't answer your questions, we brought in help from our friends at Volcanic. 

What does this mean for you? If your agency starts using the Vincere and Volcanic integration, that’s two tech vendors operating like one. 

And if the plan is for your business plan involves scaling, that’s no sweat. Both Vincere and Volcanic are part of the Access Group, and we’re working together to offer recruiters more options than ever. 

This integration is just the start. 

Final thoughts 

Digital recruitment has its challenges like any other approach. When you’re a recruitment leader looking at how tech works for your business, careful evaluation is key. 

With our Vincere and Volcanic recruitment website integration, we’re set to offer one more handy tech feature for recruiters. Our intention is to make it simpler for recruiters to manage job ads and attract candidates, for leaders to understand metrics and spend, and to make agencies function better. 

If you’re keen to find out what our integration can do for you, check out a preview here.