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What is a 'Frankenstack'?

Fran-ken-stack (noun)

A group of separate systems, loosely clubbed together, usually through a one-way sync, with no single source of truth.

Sold as a 'Tech Stack' by multiple vendors.


5 tell-tale signs you have a 'Frankenstack'


Read the full blog



5 or more different tools
& tech vendors


Your tools don't talk to each other


You're spending big on 'integration' & 'customization'


You don't know
the total cost


You're afraid of
your back office team

This terrifying 'tech stack' monster manifests in 3 forms:
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Recruitment vendors that have either acquired businesses and hacked together different products...or clue:  they sell big on 3rd party apps in their marketplace.

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Typical examples are applications like or Microsoft Dynamics. They rely heavily on partners to deliver services and the platform itself.

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A custom built mess of hardware and software. Typically stitched together over a number of years by a small team of developers to support changing business needs.

How the ‘Frankenstack’ kills growth 💀

Customization and integration work comes with substantial risks (and costs).

‘Customization’ is often a Fool’s Paradise: you think you’re getting what you want, but in reality, you’re simply trapping yourself out of the wider release cycle and product roadmap. Hello to no upgrades for the next 2 years.

Most custom projects drag on beyond projected timeframes, sucking budgets dry and thieving time from growing your business.

So, you signed a CRM contract in early 2018, an analytics tool in 2019 and timesheets in 2020...what happens when you decide to leave one of these vendors?

Can you make a swift exit? If you're locked into multiple, misaligned contracts inevitably you'll be left paying for something you don't need.

Disconnected systems means you have data lurking across multiple tools. This equals data entry, manual reporting, and spreadsheet wrangling needs to be done in order to get the ‘big picture’.

Imagine having to negotiate for the best deal over and over, and over again with separate vendors.

Consolidating different tools with one vendor is probably going to get you deeper discounts and a clearer picture of what you’re getting for your money.

With an array of rolling annual and monthly invoices, subscriptions stack up...leaving the average recruitment firm unclear as to how much they’re actually spending on their ‘tech stack’. And if you don’t know the exact cost- how can you measure ROI?

Do you know the true cost of your ‘tech stack’?

Ok- so you’ve spent an arm and a leg integrating various platforms. But as soon as the something goes wrong who takes ownership? Who do you go to for support? Vendors will typically blame each other rather than take accountability and help you get the issue resolved.

Every additional tool that contains data, will require additional work when data audits for GDPR and rights to be forgotten are requested. Think on that….Scary.

Different vendors means separate training arrangements, separate support portals and keeping up with multiple release cycles.

Meet #Vinny

The 'Frankenstack' Slayer

Finally, an all-in-one platform.
Pre-integrated from day one.

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You'll save an arm and a leg. LITERALLY.

Stop paying separately for your website, CRM, analytics, timesheets, and other tools.
One vendor, one invoice.

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